Wednesday , February 12 2025

Medical Report Check Online 2024: GCC Medical Report Check

Only a passport number or GCC Slip number will be needed For Medical Report Check Online or GCC Medical Report Check.

You can easily check the results of the medical report that you have applied to travel to any country with your passport number by visiting the Wafid website.

Today there are the easiest methods or ways to check medical reports. Hope these ways to check medical reports will be useful for you.

Medical Report Check

After applying a medical report it is necessary to check whether the medical report is correct or not. That’s why you need to follow some procedures to check the medical application after making it.

You can check your medical report with your passport number by visiting

A medical report is usually provided within a short period after application. You can check this report sitting at home.

You can also download a copy of this report online. To know them, follow the steps given here carefully.

What is a Medical Report?

A medical report is a physical and mental examination of a person to ensure that the person has no physical, mental, or physical problems.

Medical reports usually include X-rays, of eyes, ears, nose, and throat, and various organs, such as the heart, lungs, stomach, and skin.

After these tests, a certificate called a Medical Report Certificate is issued based on these. If this medical report is correct then the person can migrate abroad very easily.

And if there is any problem in the medical report then the person has to be treated for that problem first and later if the medical report is good then he will get the foreign visa.

Medical Report Check Online

Now let’s get to the main point. Now we will know how to check the medical report online. Follow the steps given below to check the medical report online.

  • First, visit Wafid from your computer or mobile.
  • Here are some boxes to be filled to check the medical report.

Medical Report Check Online

  • Here, first, select ‘By Passport Number’ or ‘Wafid Slip Number’
  • Then provide the selected information below.
  • Then select the ‘Nationality’ on the right side according to your country.
  • Then below is a ‘Captcha’ code.
  • Enter this captcha correctly in the answer box and click on the ‘Check’ button.

As soon as the check button is clicked, the medical report will come here.

Also, know about Police Clearance Check BD

GCC Medical Report Check By Passport Number

The first method to check the GCC medical report is by passport number. Those who want to check the GCC medical report with a passport number should follow the below rules.

  • First, visit Medical Examination Result For GCC Medical Report Check with Passport Number.
  • Select the ‘Passport Number’ option, enter your passport number below, and select the nationality on the right side.

GCC Medical Report Check By Passport Number

  • After that, select ‘Nationality’.
  • Then enter the below ‘Captcha’ correctly in the answer box.
  • Finally, press the ‘Check’ button.

The GCC medical report will appear after reloading the page.

GCC Medical Report Check By Slip Number

The second method of checking the GCC medical report is with the help of a slip number. You can check your medical report with the Wafid slip number. For this follow the instructions given below.

  • For the GCC Medical Report Check with the slip number, visit the Wafid Website mentioned above.
  • Here ‘Wafid Slip Number’ option has to be selected.

Passport Medical Report Check Online

  • Then input your GCC Slip Number here.
  • Then select the ‘Nationality’ according to your country.
  • Then press the ‘Search’ button.

After reloading the page, the GCC medical report will show online.

Passport Medical Report Check Online

The same rule will apply to those from passport medical report checks. Visit to check medical reports. Then there will be two options.

One is the Wafid Slip Number option to give a medical slip number and another is the Passport Number option to give a passport number.

Here select anyone according to your convenience and provide below passport number below or the GCC Slip Number according to the field by visiting the website Wafid website.

Then select the nationality and click on the search button. Then the Saudi Arabia medical report will show.

Other Ways To Check Medical Report

How can check their medical report for those who cannot check their medical reports online or who do not have passport number or medical slip number?

In this case, they can check medical reports without a medical slip number or passport number. But for this, they have to go to the place from where they have applied their medical report.

Go there and give them information and check the medical report from there. And if you have a passport number or medical slip number, you can check it from this website.

Reason For Being Unfit Medical Report

In many cases, the medical report becomes unfit. Why is this a problem? What is the way out of this problem?

When the medical report becomes unfit, you cannot go to any other country with this medical report. All the diseases due to which the medical report may come unfit are mentioned below-

  • Hepatitis/HIV
  • Corona positive
  • Skin disease
  • Jaundice
  • Heart disease
  • Shortness of breath or asthma
  • In the case of pregnant women

If there is any defect in the body parts as per the rules of the desired country (not applicable in all cases)

Medical Report Validity

Many people want to know about medical report validity. It usually lasts up to 3 months after the medical. The requirement of a medical report within three months is to be fulfilled.

If three months pass then it is not possible to do those things with this medical report. For this, you have to apply for a new medical report. So in general the period of a medical report is a maximum of 3 months.

Saudi Arabia Medical Report Contact Information

Those who have problems checking the medical report online or those who want to make a new medical report can directly go to the medical center of Saudi Arabia and apply.

In this case, the contact information for the Saudi Arabia Medical Report is provided below. You can contact them according to this contact information.

  • Diplomatic Quarter: Opposite the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
  • ZIP code: 11462 PO Box 7431
  • Email: [email protected]

FAQs About Medical Report Check Online

Many may have several questions regarding the medical report. We have collected all these questions and tried to answer them at this point.

If a medical report is unfit, then actually what to do?

Answer: If unfit appears in someone’s medical report, then it should be treated well. Because if unfit, all other works cannot be done by this medical report. That is why treatment must be continued in the field from unfit to fit.

Is there any way to check medical reports by name only?

Answer: There is no way to check medical reports by name only. That is why it is not possible to check the medical report by name only. In this case, the passport number or medical slip number will be required.

What to do if the medical report is not found?

Answer: If the medical report says not found, the information you provided may be incorrect. In that case, check the information and try again.

How long is the validity of the medical report?

Answer: A medical report usually lasts for three months. The work related to the medical report should be completed within these three months.

Is there any way to renew the medical report?

Answer: There is no way to renew the medical report. After three months, if a medical report is still required then an application for the medical report should be made again.


Hope today’s discussion is enough to check the medical report. If the report does not appear while checking the medical report, check your information carefully and try again.

Maybe your given passport number or slip number is wrong. In this case, try entering the information again.

About Web Assist

Web Assist, As the author behind the content, I strive to create globally accessible information that genuinely helps people. My goal is to provide valuable insights that make a positive impact on the lives of those seeking information. Contact me [email protected] if needed. Discover your world with authentic information!

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