Wednesday , February 12 2025

E-TIN Registration Online Bangladesh 2024 Full Process

E-TIN Registration Online Bangladesh is an easy method. Go to the website and register your TIN certificate.  A TIN certificate means a 12-digit tax identification number.

TIN certificate registration is required to pay tax as a tax-paying citizen of a country. A person’s income is recognized as valid by registering a TIN certificate.


If a person does not have a TIN certificate then the money earned from the source from which the person earns is declared illegal by the government and various cases and fines are filed against him.

If a person has a TIN certificate then he has to pay income tax through this TIN certificate. But if a person is outside the tax-free income i.e. if the tax does not apply to a person then that person can only pay zero income tax through a TIN certificate.

Necessity for E-TIN Registration Online Bangladesh

A TIN certificate is required in various cases. It is not only those who do business or work who have to register for a TIN certificate. In various cases, one of us may be required to generate a TIN certificate compulsorily.

  • If we want to take a trade license to start various businesses then we need a TIN certificate. If we want to buy a car and want to own the car we will also need a TIN certificate.
  • A TIN certificate is also required to purchase any land in the city corporation area.
  • After that, a TIN certificate is required for various activities to collecting credit cards or buying any savings certificate, registering a company in its own name, importing any product from abroad, etc.
  • If we do not get a TIN certificate then we will not get the various facilities provided by the government. To get all these facilities, you must present a TIN certificate in any institution.
  • We know that if a person deposits money in a savings account or in a bank, then a 15% tax is deducted from that deposit. But if a person has a TIN certificate then only a 10% tax will be deducted from the said deposit.

That’s why we all should register a TIN certificate so that later we don’t get stuck in any government service or online-based job.

E-TIN Registration Online Bangladesh Step-by-Step Process

Now let’s go back to the main discussion. We can do E TIN Registration BD online very easily from any device like a computer, mobile, laptop, etc. sitting at home.

To register a TIN certificate online you need to register an account first. After registering this account you can register by providing the required information for your TIN certificate and get your certificate very easily.

Step:1 –  E TIN Registration Login

  • First, you need to click on the National Board Of Revenue to register a TIN certificate online.
  • You have to register an account on this site for a new user.
  • So, go to the ‘Register’ option.

E-TIN Registration Online Bangladesh

  • A form will appear in front of you.
  • In this form, you have to provide a ‘User ID’.
  • You can give this user ID any number and combination of numbers. But remember that no spaces can be kept here.

E-TIN Registration Online Bangladesh

  • Also, you need to provide a ‘Password’. It should be at least 8 digit password.
  • Then retype the password in the ‘Retype Password’ box below.
  • Then below you will see the ‘Security Question’. If you ever forget your password, you can easily recover your password by answering this security question.
  • That’s why you can answer the question below with a question of your choice.
  • Next, select ‘Country’. Must select Bangladesh as a country.
  • Next, provide your ‘Mobile Number’ below.
  • Next, you need to provide your ‘Email Address’. But it is not mandatory.
  • Then finally a ‘Captcha’ will be provided. This captcha must be correctly inserted in the answer box
  • Then press the ‘Register’ button.

Step: 2 – Mobile Number Verification

  • Your mobile number will be verified on the next page.
  • An SMS will be sent to your mobile number. A password will be written in this SMS.
  • Paste this code here.
  • Then you need to “Activate” your account.

TIN Certificate Registration BD

By doing this you will create an account on this website.

Through this account, you can register, verify, download, and modify your TIN certificate. But remember one thing you must remember the user ID and password given here.

Step: 2 – Fill out the Application Form

  • Once the account registration is done, you have to fill out the TIN certificate application form.
  • Once your account is created on the TIN website, you will need to log in to your account again with your username and password.
  • After logging into your account you will see a dashboard.
  • From here on the below, you will get an option ‘For TIN Registration/re-Registration’ 
  • Then go to the ‘Click here’ button.

TIN Certificate Registration BD

  • Then a form will appear in front of you which you have to fill the form with the correct information.
  • Here you will first see that there is an option called ‘Tax Payers Status’
  • If you are Bangladeshi then you need to select Individual – Bangladeshi from here.
  • And if not Bangladeshi then you have to select according to other fields.

E TIN Registration BD

  • Here if you are Bangladeshi and you have a NID card then you have to select the option of having NID. And if you don’t have NID then you have to select Minor/Dependent.
  • The next option is the ‘Registration Type’. Select the option.
  • Then you will see the ‘Main Source of Income’ option. Here you have to select your main source of income.
  • In the case of employees, service, then a profession in the case of the doctor, engineer, etc., and in the case of business then the business should be selected.

TIN Certificate Registration Online Bangladesh

  • Then there is the ‘Location of the Main Source of Income’.
  • You have to select the location where your main source of income is located.
  • Next is the ‘Business Type’
  • From here, select your business type. If you do not select the business type, then select the location of your business.
  • Then go to the ‘Go to Next’ button.
  • On the next page, a form will appear in front of you. This form contains your personal basic information. These details must be filled in correctly from your various documents.

E TIN Certificate Registration

  • Here is the form you have to fill in all the information in this form in English.
  • Here first you have to write the ‘Taxpayer’s Name’ which means your name.
  • Then gender, your smart card ID, your date of birth, your parent’s name, your spouse’s name, mobile number, etc. must be provided correctly.
  • Then enter your ‘Permanent and Current Address’ in the below section.

E TIN Registration Bangladesh

  • First, you need to enter your permanent address. As many boxes as the permanent address are, all the boxes must be filled with correct information.
  • If your permanent address and current address are the same then you will see the ‘Same as Current Address’ option. It will be done by ticking the left side of it.
  • Then press the ‘Submit Application’ button.

Then all the information you have provided will be displayed on one page.

Here you have to look carefully at all the information. If there is any mistake then you have to click back to the previous button to correct it.

And if all information is correct then click on apply. Once this is done your TIN certificate will be registered.

TIN Registration Form Download

If you are not interested in registering for a TIN certificate online, then you can apply it offline by TIN Registration form.

For this, you must complete the TIN Registration form correctly and submit it at your nearest Tax office.

TIN Registration Form

You will get this form from any Tax office near you. You will also get it from any online service shop. You can also download the form from the link below. There is a pdf file that you can download and print.

TIN Registration Form pdf Download

Getting TIN Certificate

Once the TIN certificate is registered you can download it. For the TIN certificate download, you can follow the steps below. After TIN certificate registration, go to your TIN registration dashboard.

  • From here, go to the option ‘View TIN Certificate’

E TIN Registration Bangladesh

  • You will see your TIN certificate and from here you can print or download it as per your wish.
  • You should download this TIN certificate for future needs.

How Long Does It Take to Get The TIN Certificate?

After TIN Registration, It will take 3 to 7 days to approve. After getting approval, you will be notified in your Gmail.

After getting the notification, you can easily download your TIN certificate online. You can also collect it from your nearest tax office.

Visit TIN Certificate Download Online to get your TIN Certificate easily.

FAQs For E-TIN Registration Online Bangladesh

Here are some Frequently asked questions related to E-TIN Registration Online Bangladesh.

What is a TIN certificate in Bangladesh?

A TIN (Tax Identification Number) certificate in Bangladesh is a 12-digit unique identification number that is used for tax-related purposes.

Individuals and businesses need to register for a TIN certificate to declare their income and pay taxes.

Why is E-TIN registration necessary in Bangladesh?

E-TIN registration is necessary in Bangladesh to declare income legally and pay taxes. It is required for various purposes, including obtaining a trade license, purchasing a car, buying land in city corporation areas, collecting credit cards, and more.

Having a TIN certificate is essential to access various government facilities and benefits.

What are the advantages of having a TIN certificate in Bangladesh?

Having a TIN certificate allows individuals to declare their income legally, pay taxes, and access various government services and benefits. It also reduces the tax deduction rate on bank deposits from 15% to 10%.

How can I register for an E-TIN certificate online in Bangladesh?

To register for an E-TIN certificate online, follow these steps:

  • Visit the National Board of Revenue website.
  • Register for an account by providing your user ID, password, mobile number, and email address (if available).
  • Activate your account by entering the verification code sent to your mobile number.
  • Log in to your account and select “For TIN Registration/re-Registration.”
  • Fill out the TIN certificate application form with accurate information.
  • Verify the provided details and apply.

Is E-TIN registration mandatory for all Bangladeshi citizens?

E-TIN registration is not mandatory for all citizens. It is required for those who earn taxable income, conduct businesses, or engage in various financial activities that necessitate tax compliance.

If your income is tax-free, you can still obtain a TIN certificate to pay zero income tax if needed.

Can I apply for a TIN certificate offline in Bangladesh?

Yes, you can apply for a TIN certificate offline by obtaining a TIN Registration form from your nearest tax office, or online service shop, or by downloading it from the National Board of Revenue website.

After completing the form, you can submit it to your nearest tax office.

Is there any age limit for obtaining a TIN certificate in Bangladesh?

No, there is no specific age limit for obtaining a TIN certificate in Bangladesh. Individuals of all ages can register for a TIN certificate if they have taxable income or engage in activities that require tax compliance.

What documents are required for TIN certificate registration in Bangladesh?

The specific documents required may vary based on your source of income and other factors. However, commonly needed documents include your National ID card, passport (for foreigners), birth certificate, and other identification documents.

Additionally, documents related to your income source, such as business registration certificates or employment verification, may be required.

How long does it take to receive a TIN certificate after registration?

The processing time for receiving a TIN certificate may vary, but it usually takes a few weeks to a few months. You can track the status of your TIN certificate through the online portal provided by the National Board of Revenue.

What should I do if I forget my TIN certificate password or security question?

If you forget your TIN certificate password or security question, you can use the account recovery option on the official website to reset your password or recover your account.

Ensure you have access to the mobile number and email address associated with your TIN registration.

Can I update or modify my TIN certificate information online?

Yes, you can update and modify your TIN certificate information online


Registering for an E-TIN certificate in Bangladesh is crucial for individuals and businesses to ensure the legal declaration of income and tax compliance.

This 12-digit unique identifier is necessary for various activities, including obtaining trade licenses, purchasing vehicles, buying land, and accessing government services.

The online registration process is user-friendly and allows individuals to complete the application from the comfort of their homes.

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