Thursday , December 26 2024

Bangladesh National ID Card Check Online 2024 Full Process

Bangladesh National ID Card Check Online is an easy and simple process. visit the Bangladesh NID Application system website, provide a lot of information, and then you can download your NID card.  

Your NID Number or slip number and date of birth will be required to check your Bangladesh National ID Card. The full step-by-step process of NID Card Check Online Bangladesh is provided below.

National ID Card Check

Although the National ID card is issued by the Bangladesh Election Commission office, in some cases the Bangladesh National ID card check has to be done online by visiting the Bangladesh National ID Card Check Online website.

Many also check National ID cards in other cases. For Bangladesh National ID card check online or to check offline some methods you need to follow are mentioned below in the point form.

Check the points below carefully for the NID Card Check or Bangladesh National ID Card Check Online.

Required Info For NID Card Check Online

Some special information is required to check the NID card. After that, the NID card has to be checked as per the prescribed method.

  • NID Card Number or Slip Number
  • Date of Birth

Input the two details on the website to check the NID card online. Below is the complete rule of how to check a NID card online in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh National ID Card Check Online Full Process

First of all, we will mention how to check your NID card online. To check a NID card online you need a smartphone including the date of birth and NID number.

Then you can check your NID card online. Follow the below-mentioned procedures for Bangladesh National ID Card Check Online.

Step 1 – NID Account Registration

To check your NID card online first you need to register an account from the NID status website.

Bangladesh National ID Card Check Online

  • After that, the information that will be asked to be provided here must be filled in very well.

Bangladesh NID Card Check

  • Here the option to give a ‘National Identity Card Number’ or ‘Form Number’ and ‘Date of Birth’
  • Provide the information correctly.
  • Fill out the ‘Captcha’ with this information and click the ‘Submit’ button to complete the first step.

Step 2 – Providing NID card information

  • After clicking on the submit button, the second step is to provide the voter ID card address.
  • The information to be provided here must be provided correctly as per your NID card.

Voter ID Card Check Online

No information can be wrong. If you enter any wrong information three times, your account may be locked.

So select all this information carefully. Then click on the next button.

Step 3 – Mobile number verification

  • The third step to check your NID card is to verify your mobile number.

NID Card Check Online Bangladesh

  • A verification code will be sent to the mobile number with which your NID account was registered.
  • Enter that code here and click on the ‘Next’ button.

Step 4 – Face Verification

In the fourth stage of Bangladesh National ID Card Check Online, you have to complete your face verification.

You need to complete face verification to identify the owner of the NID card you want to check.

Follow the steps below to complete the verification.

National ID Card Bangladesh Online Check

  • Once the app is installed, open it and scan the QR code provided here.

NID BD Online Check

  • After doing this click on the ‘Start Face Scan’ button.

NID Card Check Online Bangladesh

  • The camera of the phone will be opened as soon as this button is clicked.
  • Here you have to look well into the camera with your eyes.
  • Then keep your eyes along the camera and turn your head slightly to the right and left.
  • Face verification will be completed only if the picture is given well.

Step 5 – Setup a password

At this stage of Bangladesh National ID Card Check Online, you will need to set up a password for your NID account.

Later if you need to check or download NID again then by providing this password you can directly check or download the NID card.

NID Card Online Check Bangladesh

For this setup a 6-digit password with various numbers and letters here. After that, you can check or download an NID card online copy from here.

Step 6 – NID Card Download

At this stage, you will be taken to your NID card profile.

Here you will see several options. That is profile reissue, password change, and download.

National ID Card Check Online Bangladesh

Pressing the download button from here will show your NID card and you can check it from here.

When you get the option to check the National ID card, the downloading option will be shown here. You can also check your birth certificate here.

In this way, your NID card will be automatically downloaded as soon as you check it.

If you want to read the process in Bengali Language, then follow এনআইডি কার্ড চেক করতে বাংলায় পড়ুন

If you notice that there is some mistake in your NID card, then you can correct the wrong information by visiting the NID Card Information Correction Process Online

Bangladesh NID Card Status Check By SMS

Apart from the above online method, the NID card can be checked through the SMS method. Only the NID number can be checked for the NID card.

If you have registered the NID but have not received the NID card yet, there is a form number on the slip provided to you by the election office.

You can know your NID number by sending an SMS with this form number. For this, you can follow the instructions given by yourself.

  • First type NID
  • Then enter the Form Number of the slip given by the election office with a space. Then enter your date of birth.
  • Write the day first, then the month, and then the year, and use a hyphen before the month and year.
  • If you have difficulty understanding follow the example below.

NID<Space>Form Number<Space>Date of Birth as DD-MM-YY

Then send this message to 105

You will receive a return SMS moments after sending the SMS. Get information about your NID card here. You will know if the NID card is ready for delivery. And if it is not ready, it will also be informed.

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NID Smart Card Status Check BD Online

If you want to check your smart card status that the smart card is ready for delivery or not, then follow the process below.

NID Smart card online check BD

  • Input your National Identity Card Number or Form Number.
  • Then input your Date of Birth.
  • Fill up the Captcha below.
  • Finally, Click on the Submit button.

Your smart card status will be shown here. If your smart card is ready for delivery, then go to your nearest election office and collect your smart card.

What to do if There is Any Wrong Information on Your NID Card?

What to do if you see any wrong information after checking your NID card? We know that if there is any wrong information in the NID card then it can be a problem if that wrong information is caught later.

Therefore, if any information is found to be incorrect, then the information on the NID card should be corrected as soon as possible.

Any NID card information not available online can be easily corrected. To correct any information on the NID card, follow the NID Card Information Correction Process

FAQs About Bangladesh NID Card Checking

Many people have many questions regarding the NID card.

Some important questions have been collected from all those questions and their answers have been provided. If you have any questions about these, then you can check the answer from here.

What to do if the NID card is not available online?

Answer: If the NID card is not available online then what you need to do is re-enter the information you have provided and search.

If it still doesn’t then there might be a server problem. So try again after some time.

How to check a NID card with name only?

Answer: A NID card can never be checked by name only. A name is not required to check the NID card.

For this, a voter ID card number or the number provided by the election office and date of birth will be required.

How to check a NID card with the date of birth only?

Answer: It is not possible to check a NID card with the date of birth only. For this, along with the date of birth, the NID card number or the slip number must be required.

I have registered my NID card but still have not received it. How can I check the delivery time of it?

Answer: If you are a new voter and have not received the NID card yet, you can download the online copy of the NID card as described above.

But you need to check the NID status to see when you will get the NID card.

Send a message as NID <Space>From Number <Space> DD-MM-YYYY (Example: NID 6878654196874 05-02-2004) to 105 to check the NID card status. Then a return SMS will inform you about the delivery time and date of your NID card.

How to download an old NID card?

Answer: If you have an old NID card then you can also download it using your NID card number and date of birth as shown above.

What to do if the NID card is lost?

Answer: If the NID card is lost, it can be downloaded online and processed. However, to get the original copy of the NID card, you must go to the election office and apply for a reissue. It may cost 245 to 545 TK.


This is all about Bangladesh National ID Card Check Online. For any information related to the NID card visit Bangladesh Election Commission to know the delivery time of the smart card of NID card.

If you want to know any information regarding the NID card, you can tell us in the comment section. Hope our team will help you with the information.

The above methods will be enough for you to download the NID card. You can download your NID card within 10 minutes by following the above methods.

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