Wednesday , February 12 2025

HRIS Pran Group: HRIS Pran group com 8686 login

HRIS Pran Group is a branch company of Pran Group that handles order entry by various dealers across Bangladesh.

To enter an order or get any information in the HRIS Pran group one must first log in from the HRIS Pran portal.

Let us know today how to log in to the HRIS Pran web DO, what to do if you forget your username and password, and also know about HRIS Pran Salary.

Follow the article properly for HRIS Pran group com 8686 login.


As mentioned earlier HRIS Pran is a branch company of Pran Group. Pran Group solves the task of order entry by providing a username and password to various dealers through this web portal.

Dealers work on the HRIS Pran web portal as per their fixed salary. Detailed procedure on how to work and order entry in the HRIS Pran web portal is shown here.

HRIS Login: HRIS Pran Group Com 8686 Login

Now we will move to the main discussion which is how to log in to HRIS Pran or HRIS Pran group com 8686 login. Follow the steps below to log in.

HRIS Pran group com 8686 login

  • Out of these, you have to input the ‘Username’ and ‘Password’ which is given to you by the Pran group.
  • Then press the ‘Login’ button.
  • By pressing the login button, you will be immediately taken to the HRIS Pran RFL group dashboard.

From here you can perform all HRIS Pran group tasks.

You can also check – Pran Web DO Login and Working System

HRIS Pran Group User Name And Password Recovery

We know that the Pran HRIS group provides a username and password to log in to the HRIS Pran group. But if you forget this username and password then you must contact the group and collect it again.

Note that you cannot retrieve this username and password from the website. Because this facility is not provided by Pran Group.

To get the password you must contact the main group and collect it. However, after getting the username and password, you can change it yourself.

Because sometimes it becomes difficult to remember a username and password. In that case, you can simply change a username and password to your own.

To change the password first log into the HRIS Pran web portal and go to the Change Password option from the dashboard. From this option, you can change the HRIS Pan login username and password.

HRIS Pran Salary

Many people want to know about Pran HRIS Salary. Getting accurate salary information is very difficult.

However, the HRIS Pran web portal has revealed that the monthly salary for HRIS Pran dealers ranges from 17 thousand to 30 thousand TK.

But if you want to know the exact information about HRIS PRAN Basic Salary then you can visit this website. From here you can know details about HRIS Pran Salary.

Pran HRIS Portal: Pran HRIS 8686

HRIS Pran Portal or Pran HRIS Portal is a website portal through which dealers of Pran Group do order entries for various products.

Those who are dealers of Pran Group do their jobs through this web portal. All the work is online based and that is why Pran Group has developed a web portal \online called Pran HRIS Portal.

To work on this portal first the dealer needs to collect a username and password from Pran Group. With this information, they can enter their jobs online by visiting the HRIS Pran web portal.

HRIS Pran RFL Group: Pran HRIS Admin

The HRIS Pran group is originally called the Pran RFL group. The two groups have formed a joint company that has separate branches but essentially works together.

Hence these two companies together are called HRIS Pran RFL Group.

There are some admins in this group who provide the username and password to some dealers of RFL Group Pran Group through which they do order entry in this company.

HRIS Pran Group Contact Information

Below is the contact information of HRIS Pran Group. If you have any problem related to HRIS Pran Group or if you need any information then you can get help as per below contact information below.

  • Address: 105 Middle Badda, Dhaka, N/A, 1212, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +88 02 9881792Ext-345

FAQs About HRIS Pran Group

Many may have many questions about HRIS Pran Group. Some of the most important questions are selected and answered below.

What to do if I forgot the username and password of HRIS Pran Group?

Answer: If you forgot the HRIS Pran web portal username and password then contact your group to collect the username and password again.

How to change the login username and password of HRIS Pran Group?

Answer: You can change the HRIS Pran Group Login Username and Password collected from Pran Group if you find it difficult.

For this first, you need to go to the dashboard of the HRIS Pran web portal. From here you will get an option called Change Password. By going to this option you can change your HRIS Pran login username and password.

How to check the HRIS Pran balance?

Answer: To check the HRIS Pran balance you need to log in to HRIS Pran first. Then from there, you will get the balance option on the left side. You can know about your HRIS Pran balance by going to this balance option.


HRIS Pran login or any other problem you can solve by contacting the Pran group directly. Above is vital information on the HRIS Pran Group login.

If you have any queries related to HRIS Pran Group, you can ask them through the comment section. Hope we will try to reply as soon as possible.

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Web Assist, As the author behind the content, I strive to create globally accessible information that genuinely helps people. My goal is to provide valuable insights that make a positive impact on the lives of those seeking information. Contact me [email protected] if needed. Discover your world with authentic information!

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  1. Ami Hris passward vulea gesi

    • প্রিয় ভিজিটর, আপনি যদি HRIS এর পাসওয়ার্ড ভুলে যান তাহলে প্রাণ গ্রুপ অথবা গ্রুপ ডিরেক্টরের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন। ধন্যবাদ!

  2. Password vulea gesi

    • প্রিয় ভিজিটর, আপনি যদি আপনার Pran Group একাউন্টের ইউজারনেম অথবা পাসওয়ার্ড ভুলে যান তাহলে আপনি এটা নিজে নিজে রিকভার করতে পারবেন না। এটি পেতে হলে আপনি আপনার গ্রুপ ডিরেক্টর অথবা ডিলারের সাথে যোগাযোগ করুন। ধন্যবাদ।

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