Australia Tourist Visa in 2024: Application, Cost, Validity & Requirements

Australia Tourist Visa or Australia Visitor Visa makes a journey to Australia, with its stunning landscapes, vibrant cities, and diverse cultural offerings, a dream for many.

Whether you’re planning a holiday to explore its natural wonders, pursuing a business opportunity, or seeking educational experiences, understanding the nuances of Australia’s visa requirements, application procedures, and associated conditions is paramount.

Australian Tourist Visa

An Australia tourist visa, known officially as a Visitor Visa (subclass 600), is a travel document that permits individuals to visit Australia for recreational purposes.

It’s designed for activities like sightseeing, visiting family and friends, and experiencing the country’s culture and attractions. The visa typically allows multiple entries and can be granted for durations of 3, 6, or 12 months.

Australia Tourist Visa Australia Visitor Visa

Holders are not allowed to work or engage in full-time study during their stay. The application process may include health and character checks, financial requirements, and specific visa conditions.

For accurate and up-to-date information, applicants should consult the official Australian government website or the nearest Australian embassy or consulate.

What is an Australian Visitor Visa?

The Australia Visitor Visa, now known as the Visitor visa (subclass 600), has taken the place of the previous Tourist visa (subclass 676) and is often referred to as the Tourist Stream visa.

For those who aren’t eligible for the eVisitor, the eVisitor visa provides an alternative. Obtaining the Visitor visa typically requires an in-person application at an Australian embassy or consulate.

Travelers can be granted a tourist visa for a duration of up to 3, 6, or 12 months, with a specific timeframe depending on individual circumstances.

Who Can Get an Australian Tourist Visa?

If you hold a passport from one of the following countries, you can explore quicker options such as the eVisitor or Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) for your Australian journey.

European Union countries

  • New Zealand
  • Andorra
  • Iceland
  • Liechtenstein
  • Monaco
  • Norway
  • San Marino
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  • Vatican City
  • Brunei
  • Canada
  • Hong Kong
  • Japan
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • South Korea
  • United States

For New Zealand passport holders, traveling to Australia is even more straightforward, as you can enter without a visa and apply on arrival.

Not only the mentioned countries but also other countries can get the Australian tourist visa if they fulfill the requirements mentioned below.

Know also about Australian Visa Check Online

How to Get an Australia Tourist Visa?

Obtaining an Australian tourist visa is a straightforward process, and you have two convenient methods to choose from:

  • Online Application: To apply online, you need to create an ImmiAccount, the official platform for handling Australian visa applications.
  • Paper Application: Alternatively, you can opt for a paper application by submitting your required documents to the nearest Australian Embassy.

Australia Tourism Visa Requirements

Australian Visa Requirements for Citizens of Bangladesh:

To facilitate your visa application, you are required to compile the following documents:

Passport Documentation

  • A pristine copy of your valid passport, encompassing personal information, photo, passport issue, and expiry dates, as well as pages displaying immigration stamps.
  • Copy of your ID card (if applicable).
  • A recent passport-sized photograph. If unavailable, iVisa offers a digital passport photo service for prompt assistance.

Additional Documentation

  • Evidence of financial support, such as bank statements or proof of other financial assets.
  • Verification of employment or enrollment in an educational institution in your home country.
  • Comprehensive travel itinerary, including dates or supporting evidence of planned activities during your stay in Australia.
  • Invitation letter from friends or relatives residing in Australia.
  • A police certificate.
  • Birth certificate for applicants below 18 years old.
  • Family register and composition form if applicable.

Demonstration of Financial Means for Return

  • Stamped bank statements spanning the last three months.
  • Employment contract or payslips.
  • Documents related to income tax returns, tax records, or credit card statements.
  • Proof of homeownership or rental agreement.
  • Evidence of enrollment in a Bangladeshi educational institution.
  • Letter of support from your employer.

Visitor Visa Requirements for Minors (Under 18) from Bangladesh

  • Birth certificate indicating both parents’ names.
  • Family book containing parental names.
  • ID cards of both parents.
  • Court documents granting custody, along with guardians’ IDs.
  • Adoption papers, accompanied by guardians’ IDs.
  • Proof of legal guardianship.
  • Letter of consent from parents or guardians.
  • Undertaking declaration if the child will not be residing with relatives or family members in Australia.

Passport Prerequisites

  • Original passport validity of at least six months.
  • Passport in good condition.
  • Renew passport before applying if expiration is imminent.
  • Preferably, possess a passport valid for your entire stay in Australia.

Photo Criteria

  • Submit a digital copy of your passport photo for online applications.
  • Ensure the photo measures 35-40 mm in width and 45-50 mm in height.
  • Capture the photo against a plain background in color.
  • Depict your facial features, including only your head and shoulders in the frame.

Australia Tourist Visa Application Online

Obtaining an Australian tourist visa through the online application process is a convenient and efficient way to embark on your journey Down Under.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:


Australia Tourist Visa Application Online

  • After logging into your ImmiAccount, choose the specific visa type you wish to apply for.

Australia Tourism Visa Australia visit visa

  • You’ll be directed to the online application form, where you’ll provide details about your trip.
  • This includes specifying the purpose and duration of your visit, as well as personal information such as your name, birth date, and marital status.
  • Scan and attach electronic copies of the necessary documents, including your passport, travel insurance, and proof of financial capacity.
  • Once you’ve uploaded your documents, proceed to pay the visa application fee.
  • Your application will be reviewed by immigration authorities, and you’ll be notified about the outcome of your visa application.
  • If your application is successful, you’ll receive your visa grant number and information about the visa’s duration.
  • You can print the visa notice and carry it with you when you travel to Australia.

Applying for an Australian Tourist Visa at the Embassy (Paper Application)

In cases where online application isn’t feasible, you can opt for a paper application at the nearest Australian Embassy or Consulate. Follow these steps for a successful paper application:

  • First, identify the closest Australian consulate where you can submit your visa application.
  • Contact the Embassy or Consulate to arrange an appointment, as they may require this for in-person applications.
  • Fill out the Visitor Visa Application Form, providing detailed information about your personal details, purpose and duration of your visit, employment status, health history, and any previous criminal convictions if applicable.
  • As listed on the application form, collect all necessary supporting documents.
  • The Embassy or Consulate will provide instructions on how to make the visa application fee payment.
  • On the appointed date, deliver your completed visa application along with all the required documentation to the Embassy or Consulate.
  • The Embassy will notify you regarding the status of your application, typically through email or phone.
  • Upon approval, you will receive a visa grant number, enabling you to travel to Australia.

No physical stamp is placed on your passport, but you can print the visa grant notice and carry it with you when you travel.

Applying for an Australia Tourist Visa Within Australia

If you find yourself already in Australia on a substantive visa, you have the option to apply for a tourist visa from within the country.

The application methods are quite similar to those for applicants residing abroad:

  • Apply Online: Submit your application online using your ImmiAccount, following the above process.
  • Paper Application: If you prefer the traditional route, you can print and complete the visa application form, gather the required documents, and then submit them to an Australian Immigration Office.

The Duration of the Application Process for a Tourist Visa

The processing time for an Australian Tourist Visa application can vary.

In most cases, it typically takes a few weeks, but the process can be completed in just a few days if all your documents and requirements are in order.

On the flip side, there have been instances where the application process extended over several months.

The timeframe hinges on various factors including the specifics of your application, your nationality, and the thoroughness of your document submission, among other considerations.

Australia Tourist Visa Application Fee

When planning your visit to Australia, it’s essential to be aware of the associated visa application fees. The cost of an Australian tourist visa can vary depending on your location during the application process.

  • Applying from Abroad (Outside Australia): Applying from abroad is AUD 145.
  • Applying from Within Australia: The application fee is AUD 370.

Australia Tourist Visa Validity

The validity of an Australia Tourist Visa varies depending on the specific subclass and individual circumstances.

Generally, tourist visas are granted for periods ranging from 3 months to 12 months.

Extending your stay often necessitates applying for a new visa.

Always check your visa grant notice for the exact validity period, and ensure compliance with Australian immigration regulations to make the most of your visit Down Under.

Australia Visitor Visa Extension

If you wish to prolong your stay in Australia, it’s typically not possible to extend your existing tourist visa. Instead, you’ll need to apply for a new one.

To ensure a seamless transition and avoid any issues, it’s advisable to submit your application for the new visa at least two weeks before your current visa expires.

Can I work With a Tourist Visa in Australia?

With a tourist visa, your primary purpose is to explore and enjoy the country as a tourist for the specified duration of your visa grant.

While you have some flexibility, such as the option to engage in short study courses of up to three months, it’s crucial to understand that tourist visas strictly prohibit gainful employment in any form, under any circumstances.

So, while you can immerse yourself in the culture and take short courses to enhance your experience, working for pay during your visit is not permitted.

Australia Tourist Visa Contact Information

For contact information regarding Australia tourist visas, you can visit the official website of the Australian Department of Home Affairs at the following address: Australia Tourist Visa Contact Information.

FAQs About Australia Travel Visa

Here are some FAQs about the Australia Tourist Visa.

What is an Australia Travel Visa?

An Australia Travel Visa is a document that allows foreign nationals to enter and visit Australia for various purposes, including tourism, visiting family and friends, business activities, or short-term study.

What Are the Different Types of Australia Travel Visas?

There are various types of travel visas, including Tourist Visas, Business Visas, Student Visas, and Transit Visas. The specific visa type you need depends on the purpose of your visit.

Do I Need a Visa to Travel to Australia?

In most cases, yes. Visitors to Australia typically require a visa unless they come from a visa-exempt country or hold a specific type of visa, such as a New Zealand citizen or a valid Electronic Travel Authority (ETA).

How Do I Apply for an Australia Travel Visa?

You can apply for an Australia Travel Visa either online through the official ImmiAccount portal or through paper applications submitted at the nearest Australian Embassy or Consulate.

What Documents Do I Need to Apply for an Australia Travel Visa?

The required documents may vary based on the visa type, but generally include a valid passport, a completed application form, proof of financial capacity, travel insurance, and other supporting documents specific to your purpose of visit.

How Long Does the Visa Application Process Take?

The processing time can vary from a few days to several weeks, depending on factors like your nationality, the specific visa subclass, and the completeness of your application.

Can I Extend My Australia Travel Visa?

In most cases, you cannot extend your current visa. To prolong your stay, you’ll need to apply for a new visa before your current one expires.

Can I Work with a Tourist Visa?

No, tourist visas generally do not permit gainful employment in Australia. Engaging in paid work while on a tourist visa is usually prohibited.


Navigating the Australia Tourist Visa system requires a clear understanding of visa types, application methods, and conditions.

Whether you’re planning a leisurely holiday, a business trip, or a short-term study venture, being well-informed about the visa process is essential.

Australia Tourist Visa in 2024: Application, Cost, Validity & Requirements

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